Is the Cell Phone Policy Actually Effective? 

By: Adalynn Efaw

This year, all Norton City Schools have implemented a calculator caddy policy for students and their cell phones. Of course, everyone has opinions about this, but the real question is: Is it worth it? Hypothetically, students should come into school and, every day before class starts, put their phones up in the pockets of the caddy. However, after about 5-6 weeks, the kids just stopped. Teachers have gotten fairly relaxed about cell phones, as long as they don't see it. If you think of alll the classes you've had throughout the school year, how often was your phone in the caddy? Most students and teachers agree that the calculator caddy is just a
waste overall. At the beginning of the year, this rule was effective and productive, even limiting the time kids spend on their phones in the classroom. As time has gone on, people don't care anymore. Of course, some students and staff still respect this rule and adequately enforce it, but there are far fewer between them. Overall, people are using the caddies less than was projected at the start of this school year. The general discussion is that as long as the phone isn't seen or being messed with, that's okay. All opinions aside, the phone policy has not been strictly enforced and, therefore, has been ineffective.